Reducing the spread of COVID-19

A Southport company software is helping stop Covid-19 spreading in American hospitals. The technology is also being used at local doctors clinics.


Alex Lewis (Reporter): Gone are the days when you can just walk into this Hope Island medical centre. You need to pass a temperature check. A green results means you are allowed inside.


Charles Jewaskiewitz (Medicross Group CEO): If you have a possible cause of Coronavirus, we can stop you before entering the building.


Alex Lewis (Reporter): If the result is red


Charles Jewaskiewitz (Medicross Group CEO): We will ask you to go back to your car, remain in your car. And then, we will enable the doctors to come out with protective gear.


Alex Lewis (Reporter): The Smart Shield app helps clinics keep waiting room virus-free. Keeping a record of everyone who enters.


Anil Patel (Virtual Mgr Chairman): The old way pretty much was paper and pen or really not existent.


Alex Lewis (Reporter): The app was developed by Southport based company, Virtual Mgr. A similar version is used in hospitals, so doctors can keep track of rooms contaminated with the Covid-19 virus and those disinfected.


Anil Patel (Virtual Mgr Chairman): Monitoring Covid cleaning teams, where they’ve been, what they’ve cleaned, patients they have interacted with. So if then there’s further outbreaks, we can start to track back.


Alex Lewis (Reporter): The software is being used by the 23 hospitals in the United States, but it is yet to be adopted by any of the hospitals in Australia.


Anil Patel (Virtual Mgr Chairman): When there’s a pandemic, it could spread through poor cleaning practices.